1. As with all outdoor activity, there is associated risk. Your safety is your responsibility. It is up to you to ensure you have the correct equipment and are fit and able to undertake the planned trip.
2. While each member has responsibility for their own preparedness and safety, you will be expected to follow the advice of your trip leader. The trip leader has the right to tell people the trip is unsuitable for them due to insufficient gear, lack of experience or fitness, known issues, or non-adherence to the club guidelines.
3. A "track" may be a paved, stepped path, or a poorly defined route. Expect to encounter a variety of conditions from hilly terrain, muddy tracks with tree roots and other obstacles, to unbridged river crossings and complete "bushbashes".
4. In the event of a possible emergency, the trip leader will consider all opinions and make the final call as to how to proceed, using the skills of the team. Every effort will be made to resolve the situation, but the outcome cannot be guaranteed and there may be no absolute right or wrong way to handle the event. Find out how you can help - be calm, contribute ideas, listen to others, and give the leader time to think. Help look after everyone in the party with shelter, food, drink, stress management.
5. You must advise the trip leader of any medical conditions that could be a problem on the trip. You are responsible for any medications you may require.
6. Anticipate unexpected changes in weather conditions; apply the scout's motto "Be Prepared", by bringing rain gear, plenty of fluids and warm clothing. The weather we see at home may not be the same as that where we will be walking that day. Conditions can change very rapidly in the NZ outdoor environment, even on sunny days. Refer to the "Gear List" tab for a list of appropriate items to bring along, or talk to the trip leader.
7. Always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return. Not all tramps run according to plan, problems can arise and getting home late is inevitable at some time or another.
8. Walk at a comfortable but steady pace, ensuring you have energy in reserve. Stop at track junctions to wait for others to catch up and to ensure no one has taken a wrong turn. If you are new to the club or are uncertain of the direction, stay with the group and maintain voice contact. On less well marked tracks, the group should walk together. Tell someone if you need to stop or leave the track for a toilet stop or any other reason, leaving your pack on the track.
9. In the event of becoming "Geographically Embarrassed", stay where you are. Blow your whistle if you have one. As for all emergencies, follow the STOP principle:
STOP take a breath, sit down and remain calm
THINK, look around you, listen, brainstorm options
OBSERVE what is around you, evaluate the possible consequences
PLAN what to do, what is necessary to keep alive, then act. Water shelter, warmth and the will to survive are the essential elements to your survival, but if in doubt STAY PUT.
10. Be aware of rivers. IF IN DOUBT DO NOT CROSS.
11. Leaders should carry a beacon and first aid kit and nominate a "tail end Charlie". Each member should also carry some of their own safety equipment. See "Gear List" tab.
12. If you are new to tramping in NZ or haven’t been tramping for awhile, you should develop your fitness and be conservative on which tramp you chose to join.
13. Advise the leader if you are not comfortable with any aspect of the trip, to prevent small problems from becoming big problems.
14. It is important not to turn walking into an EGO TRIP! Getting there is most of the fun. Walking flat out and arriving worn out, is not what it's about.
15. Enjoy nature’s moods, as not all tramps fall on bright, sunny days. Without rain and winds we would not be able to appreciate swirling fogs, mist covered mountains, shimmering sandstones and blooming wildflowers. Don't miss out on the opportunity for walking in the rain; sometimes the most spectacular and memorable tramps are wet ones.
16. At all times respect and care for the environment and follow the advice of your leader in this regard. See the "environment care code" tab.
17. Learn about the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and hypothermia and what to do to prevent it.
Wilderness and the bush are environments we come to as visitors. It is nature's domain and potential dangers exist. But with adequate preparation and care, we will be able to................

© Whangarei Tramping Club